Digital environment dialogues more directly with students’ reality

Educational platforms favor the updating of content and the diversity of formats, such as video and audio; teacher has to be empowered and strengthened by technology

During the quarantine due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, the need to adapt schools, teachers and school routines to the reality of the digital world has become more evident. “It is a demand that is in place and needs to happen so that students do not fall behind in terms of the school calendar and have significant learning and development experiences during that period at home,” says Renato Dias, director of innovation and product at Camino Education.

According to him, schools, teachers and educational content providers, such as major publishers, have been running after students in this regard, and this moment intensifies this effort to seek a more diverse online interaction and one that talks more with the demands from the students. “In this sense, digital educational platforms have advantages over traditional didactic material, as they favor updating the content much more quickly and open up the possibility of a variety of formats that books do not allow, such as video and audio, resources that dialogue with this time that students already live. "

For Dias, this rapprochement with the students is not only about the content, but also how they will be mobilized in relation to what they learn. "You need to bring them in to put into practice the knowledge with which they are coming in contact and to promote active learning experiences."

The teacher's role as a learning mediator

In this process of adapting to the digital environment at school, the role of the teacher is fundamental, in acting as a mediator. “I think we have to defuse a bomb when we talk about technology at school, that the role of the educator is going to fade or something. The teacher has to be empowered and strengthened by technology. On the one hand, with content that is more interactive and that will engage students more, and on the other, training themselves, ”notes the director.

He considers that the fact that there are teacher training courses on the teaching platform itself, as is the case with Cloe, from Camino Education, represents a facility, as it allows continuous training and makes it available to the educator, on his cell phone. “This relates very well to the reality of the teacher, since he finds on the same platform everything that permeates his daily life – content to use with students, the assessments he will apply and the training support for him get rich with a vision of education and learning that brings the most modern. "

Another important factor, according to him, is the experience that the user, in this case, the educator, will have with this platform. “It is the simplicity of the experience and the ease of use that makes the teacher engage and involve the students”, completes the director.
