Camino offers free online Active Learning training for educators

Marta Durante and Leticia Lyle on live "How to organize the school routine with students at home?

With face-to-face classes suspended due to the fight against the coronavirus (Covid-19), many educators can benefit from additional professional training to enrich their distance learning activities.

In this sense, the Camino Education Active Learning Center, will hold daily, open and free lives for educators, covering distance activities, learning science, socio-emotional skills, reverse planning, adaptation of activities, among other relevant topics. Educators from CLOE partner schools, Camino's Active Learning platform, as well as all other educators in the country can participate in the lives.

The training will be conducted by Leticia Lyle, educational director at Camino and will count on the participation of invited experts from the educational segment. Participants will be able to exchange practices and experiences with each other. The meetings will take place from 3/27 to 9/4, through the Camino Education YouTube channel. To participate, the educator must register for free at this link: .

Check out the full schedule and participate:

03/27, 14h | What is Active Learning?
3/30, 2pm | Learning Science 1
03/31, 2pm | Learning Science 2
01/04, 14h | Educator Self-care, with Leticia Lyle and João Paulo Almeida
04/02, 14h | Socioemotional Skills
04/03, 14h | Student Centered Learning
04/06, 14h | Project learning
07/04, 14h | Reverse Planning
08/04, 14h | Case study: Active Learning activities for early childhood education, with Leticia Lyle and Diana Tatit
04/09, 14h | Reverse Planning and Closing
